Supersport United Soccer Schools are proud to announce the opening of Marks Park Sports Club at the Urban Sports Action Soccer Arena, Judith road, Emmerentia.
Daniel Naidoo
Degree in sports psychology
Marital status: Not married
Football career: SAB league player
Football badges/licenses: KNVB level 1,CAF D
Other badges/ licenses: Athletics level 1, swimming timekeeper, Boksmarts(rugby)
Interests: Good food and music
To Celebrate the event Supersport United Soccer Schools held a full fixture of FUTBOL DE SALÃO (FDS) GAMEs on Saturday 30th July 2016 where they showcased their programme. The Nedbank Cup, of which Supersport United are the current holders was also on display to encourage the children to strive for their football dreams.
Players from as young as 4 years attended and demonstrated their skill techniques as well as their passion for the beautiful game.