How we use Futebol de Salão

In creating Brazilian Soccer Schools the intention was to use Futebol de Salão and its properties as part of the wider education of a young footballer.  Brazilian Soccer Schools have no intention of developing Futebol de Salão as a competitive game, it is used solely as a means for player development.

The game and ball are used predominantly with younger players as a means of developing fast feet, creative passing, unconventional movement, touch and dribbling.  These facets are vital to any players’ game but fundamentals most often neglected by more conventional methods. Brazilian Soccer Schools have no intention of developing Futebol de Salão as a competitive game, it is used solely as a means for player development.


The ball is the important factor, due to its size and weight it cannot be lifted like a futsal or conventional ball, it restricts players from playing long, aerial passes and encourages constant circulation and recycling of the ball, fast possession play, with creative passing and movement to support the ball or make space.

Due to the size of the ball it is harder to perform feints/moves but paradoxically the weighted ball is easier to control which is a great confidence builder for young players.  As the ball is always close to a players foot it increases the number of touches of the ball – a basic requirement for skill acquisition.

The smaller playing area requires that players think and play quickly and the proximity of opponents forces players to become adept at shielding the ball under constant pressure, such protection of the ball is an essential component of a technical game.


More so the speed of the game places high demands on the aerobic system therefore the technical, physical and tactical components are being coached at the same time.  The performance of a player during a match is not simply the sum of these components but rather the result of their integration. 

Futebol de Salão is the best medium for the development of a player’s ability to transfer and use their skills effectively in the difficult physical and psychological conditions of the match.

Futebol de Salão is the best medium for the development of a player’s ability to transfer and use their skills effectively in the difficult physical and psychological conditions of the match.  When players revert to 11-a-side football with the increased space and time, it is easy.